What Does Madonna Have To Do With Employee Benefits?
Those who know Madonna are possibly small business owners and also possibly the ones driving the highest premium for health insurance at a small business.
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Those who know Madonna are possibly small business owners and also possibly the ones driving the highest premium for health insurance at a small business.
Being in business, any business, requires focus. There are so many duties, responsibilities and needs that must be met, and so many have nothing to do with revenue production. Outsourcing is a must to keep businesses from floundering on time-sucking tasks.
Effective July 1, 2023 the State of Florida will require that private employers of 25 employees or more to E-verify all employees. Is this good for employers?
Sam Bond Benefit Group, Inc. helps employers explore the options available to employers seeking to upgrade their systems for payroll and employee administration, especially those seeking to explore a full-service professional employer organization (PEO). The right PEO can help with a secure, efficient payroll system that can transfer certain payroll tax liabilities.
States like New York and California are implementing new regulations regarding the disclosure of pay by employers. This pay transparency is upsetting to some employers, and workers as well.
In November of 2020, Floridian voters approved a gradual increase to the state’s minimum wage. Until September 29th, the minimum wage per hour was $10.00. As of September 30th, the rate goes to $11.00 per hour. Increases are mandated by the state constitutional amendment passed by voters, and are to occur at a rate of $1.00 per hour each year until reaching $15.00 per hour on September 30, 2026.
Many licensed professionals yearn to work for themselves, citing professional freedom as the inspiration. However, the reality of running their own practice seems wrought with a field of obstacles to overcome.
Samantha Bond Richman founder of Sam Bond Benefit Group was in attendance to celebrate this year’s Together We Roar Leadership Luncheon and Award ceremony, and to learn who among the many qualified nominees would win the competition she helped judge.
Choosing a new employee from a field of applicants may not seem like a big deal to many managers and business owners. However, making the first day, and the first few days feel like a warm and welcoming atmosphere will create lasting goodwill, and allow the new team member to feel like they belong.