Year End Stress Is Real
Work life and home life collide in a rush to meet calendar year-end, and many times fiscal year-end deadlines. The good news is it is not too late to consider the services of professional employer organizations (PEOs).
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Work life and home life collide in a rush to meet calendar year-end, and many times fiscal year-end deadlines. The good news is it is not too late to consider the services of professional employer organizations (PEOs).
If there are questions about the expenses associated with hiring an independent contractor, Sam Bond Benefit Group can help simplify and streamline the process.
The 8th Annual Women Who Roar Luncheon and Leadership Awards was held Friday, October 27th at Michael’s On East. Samantha Bond Richman was recognized for her work as a judge of the many nominee submissions every year since the award began. According to Richman, it is truly an honor to be recognized as a VIP.
Those who know Madonna are possibly small business owners and also possibly the ones driving the highest premium for health insurance at a small business.
Being in business, any business, requires focus. There are so many duties, responsibilities and needs that must be met, and so many have nothing to do with revenue production. Outsourcing is a must to keep businesses from floundering on time-sucking tasks.
Many licensed professionals yearn to work for themselves, citing professional freedom as the inspiration. However, the reality of running their own practice seems wrought with a field of obstacles to overcome.
Understanding the relationship between the PEO, the employer and the employee is crucial in evaluating the cost to benefit ratio under such an arrangement. All PEO companies are not alike and understanding the measurable differences is an important step for a firm considering the concept. Learn more about what is PEO and how they can help save time and money.
Multistate employers can rely on a Professional Employer Organizations (PEO) to provide a co-employment relationship enabling the company to transfer many of the employer responsibilities that distract from operations. Learn how Sam Bond Benefit Group can help.