Work life and home life collide in a rush to meet calendar year-end, and many times fiscal year-end deadlines
The good news is it is not too late to consider the services of professional employer organizations (PEOs).
Oh sure, January 1st represents an “imaginary line” in time, though so does every other day of the year. A date is a date, and for insurance coverage or tax liability, the effective date can be any day of the year.
Companies with the intention to shop, compare their current PEO, or investigate a better alternative for employee benefits, payroll and workers’ compensation, can relax and approach the project together with Sam Bond Benefit Group. We work to find a better solution based on the wants and needs of our small business clients. We will audit the current billing, and carefully collect the applicable data to formulate an analysis of value. Do it now, and implement a better solution on a date in the future that is comfortable. No imaginary deadlines here!

Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) pool together the buying power of thousands of employees, and pass on the savings to participant companies. By transferring certain employer responsibilities, clients of PEOs can focus on revenue driving activities.
Find out more with help from Sam Bond Benefit Group, we work for our client’s business. Independent, experienced and members of the National Association of Professional Employer Organizations (NAPEO), contact us online on our website here or call 877.426.6320.