Workers’ Compensation Related Services:
Coverage to protect employees and employers against losses due to injury on the job is commonly referred to as workers’ compensation. It is meant to provide both necessary medical attention and the lost wages an employee suffers when unable to work.
Workers’ compensation can be purchased through a shared employment relationship enabling employers to enjoy pay as you go premiums, reduced liability, and the addition of related services.
- Drug Testing
- Down Payment
- Audit
- Claims
- Renewals
- Claims Database
- Certificates
- Loss Control
- Safety Programs
- Risk Management
We make your job easier.
Making a plan for employer insurances takes time and attention. Sam Bond Benefit Group has experience and continues to research available solutions for both required and desired coverage. We make your job easier. As independent agents, we have access to many resources and will assist with planning, implementation, new hires, and renewals.
Let Us Help Insure Your Business
(877) 426-6320
Unemployment Insurance Taxes
Unemployment benefits are paid when an employee has been released due to a reduction in workforce. It is intended to help employees while they seek new employment. Employers typically pay premiums to both the federal government, and to their respective states of operation. It is filed as a tax, used to support unemployment benefits meant to insure the former employee.
Employee Benefits
Employers frequently choose to offer employees insurance benefits as a way to attract and retain the best employees. Both the employee and the employer benefit when employees have coverage. Most employers who provide benefits start with a foundation of health insurance, and under PPACA mandates, many employers will be forced to provide coverage or pay a penalty to the federal government.
Voluntary benefits are another way employers can enrich the lives of their employees, thus making them more satisfied in their jobs. These can include dental insurance, life insurance, short and long term disability, as well as other types of coverage. Some employers provide access to group discounts on auto insurance, pet insurance, or homeowners insurance.
Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI)
The purchase of Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) has grown in popularity. It protects business owners from the loss incurred in litigating and settling wrongful practices liability claims. It may cover employment related discrimination, harassment, or wrongful discharge suits.
An employer may incur significant legal expenses just to defend against what may ultimately be dismissed as baseless claims. Alternatively, an employer may fail to have an effective management team and may unwittingly incur even more significant claims if awarded to the plaintiff or plaintiffs.
Compliance with employment related responsibilities ultimately falls to the shoulders of the business owner. In the past twenty years, employment litigation has risen drastically; more than 60% of US companies are sued by employees or former employees each year.